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The Path

Not good with words but with a brush and paint
A colored pencil or a pastel stick
I speak my soul on canvas white
And turn a thousand thoughts of mind
Into a scene that comes to life...

Anchor 1

Hi! I'm Lidia and I'm a self-taught artist. Ever since I was a child I always liked to draw and paint. I never went to art school, never won any prestigious awards...being honest here, keeping it real...but when a higher power tells you to quit your job and go sell your art - you must obey. So here I am.

Many know me by one of my many faces, but many don't know that there are many names behind the face they see.

A few years ago I discovered I have D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder) which started a whole new journey...

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Anchor 2

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(360) 608-4397   I

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