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About Anchor

about me

Hi! I'm Lidia and I'm a self-taught artist.  Ever since I was a child I always liked to draw and paint. I never went to art school, never won any prestigious awards...being honest here, keeping it real...but when a higher power tells you to quit your job and go sell your art - you must obey. So here I am.


Many know me by one of my many faces, but many don't know that there are many names behind the face they see.


A few years ago I discovered I have D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder) which started a whole new journey for me. It took me almost a whole year to get the courage to create this website and to come out into this cruel world that judges and condemns so quickly all those that are not like the standard of society.


Many of my personalities are also artists and have the mind of their own on what they like to draw and paint.

I’m not going to tell you why you should buy my art. I don’t have reasons or flowery words from an institution that teaches you how to be a philosopher and an art critic when an average person and the world around you can care less about what I have to say. But if I just touch your heart, put a smile on your face, or fill your soul with peace in your brokenness, even just for a moment when you look at a painting I created, then I’ve done my job.


meet the names behind the faces

The Path

The Path

Not good with words

But with a brush and paint

A colored pencil or a pastel stick

I speak my soul on canvas white

And turn a thousand thoughts of mind

Into a scene that comes to life


Creating worlds in my mind

A touch of blue, a touch of green

A mountain here, a tree right there

White clouds upon a sky

A river rushing in the mids

Stones, pebbles, grasses, reeds…

Is this a place I’ve been?

So vivid in my mind like brightness of a day

Perhaps a dream I dreamt to hide away..?

From shadows, darkness...lurking in the corners of my mind

It follows me consuming all

Until it has it’s fill


A touch of blue, a touch of gray

A mountain here, a barrier there…

Dark clouds above and pouring rain

Stones, pebbles, boulders…

Pummeling down on me

And shards of glass have lined my path

I walk alone, the path I choose…

Or was it given unto me?


A touch of red, a touch of white

A fiery stream and waters like a flood

In sweeping motion, arrayed in gold

Brisk, swift, agile on horses white

The mighty servants of Yahuah

Abiding by the Word that was, and is, and is to come

He sent for me to stand me on my feet

Destroying shadows, thrones of darkness on my path


Pour out all paint and mix it well!

Don’t spare a color, make it great!

With vivid, bright and shining like the stars

Paint streets of gold and mountains grand

The path you walk I choose for you

To bring my purposes to will

Enabling all through me in you

Until the earth is cleansed from sin

Until your soul has learned to be

My Son eternal…

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